Review: Tigers in Red Weather

Tigers in Red Weather
Tigers in Red Weather by Liza Klaussmann

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Strangers in the house & in the family. This was all about a twisted family & the time they summered over the years at their rambling house on the Vineyard. I liked the story & it was certainly engaging, peopled with characters that I didn't like but was fascinated to spend time with. The story was told through the perspectives of the five main characters and I must admit that I was sorry to never get Avery's side. I still don't know quite what to think of him. Daisy's portion was a bit tedious after a while but I had to keep reminding myself that she's twelve in her portion & her perception of what's going on around her may be dim. Nick, Hughes & Ed had the most interesting parts & honestly, I felt so badly for Helena that it distracted me a bit while reading her section.

As to the murder mystery B-plot, I can't say that I cared much. I mean, it happens, there's some chat about it, there's the not so subtle hint that Ed knows more about it than the adults really want to know & then it's not so much a big deal. At least not in any way that makes one pine to know what really happened to Elena Nunes & who is the murderer. It comes out but it's less interesting than the toll it's taken on the characters in the story. What's far more fascinating is the family dynamics that play out & the culmination of years of this insanity.

Definitely worth reading over my weekend.

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